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Local Road Rides

Want to get-in-the-groove and in-shape? Below are a number of local training rides. You will find that most rides are full of helpful friendly people. There are numerous regular and informal training rides throughout each week. Get off the couch and onto the bike, put on a helmet, and mingle! Feel free to if you need more info.

Disclaimer: Of course, the rides are for information purposes only. Bicycle riding is an inherenly dangerous sport. These rides are open to the public and Velo Bella does not organize, sponsor, nor assume any liability for your participation in these rides. We also do not assume liability if you choose to just sit on the couch and read about these rides instead of trying them out. Be brave, accept responsibility for risks, and get out there.

Monterey Peninsula

Tuesday Night Ride begins at Monterey Fisherman's Wharf at 5:00 p.m. Very brisk pace, 45-minute warm-up to Fort Ord/East Garrison. Can also meet at East Garrison at 5:45 for Criterium practice. Criterium practice is total race pace, usually with tea.m. organization and tactics. Criterium usually breaks up into several groups by ability. 20-40 usually show for this ride with 5-7 women. This is one hard ride, bring your lungs! Runs April – September (Daylight Savings Time).

Saturday Morning Ride (SMR) meets at the Monterey Doubletree Plaza at 7:00 a.m. Ride length is just under 40 miles, brisk pace, some hills. Route is out and back along the Peninsula and into Pebble Beach for a climb up to Huckleberry Hill. The Ride can attract up to 100+ people. "Warm-up" is along the coast around Asilomar. The Ride splits into the "A" and the "B" ride, after the first regroup at Spanish Bay. (See maps below.) At least a dozen women show for this ride. This ride is also the official weekly social event for area cyclists and is THE place for exercise and to catch up on the latest gossip. Runs year-round.

"A" Ride

PDF: 454K

Get Map - SMR "A" Ride

The "A" ride is race pace with sprint points and no stops.

"B" Ride

PDF: 437K

Get Map - SMR "B" Ride The "B" ride takes a slightly different route up and down through Pebble Beach (more switchbacks and plateaus than the "A" climb and descent) and has several predetermined regrouping points.

Saturday Morning Later Ride meets at the parking lot at the corner of Laurel and 15th Ave. in Pacific Grove at 8:00 a.m. Ride length is under 35 miles at a moderate, no-drop pace. Runs year-round. Route is out past Lover’s Point and along Peninsula and into Pebble Beach, for a climb similar to the “B” ride up to Huckleberry Hill.

Sunday LSD Ride meets at the Monterey Doubletree Plaza at 8:00 a.m. Ride is organized as training for century riders but all riders are welcomed. Distance, not racing, is the emphasis. Ride length varies from 40 - 80 miles. Comfortable pace, terrain varies. Runs year-round.

Santa Cruz Area

Santa Cruz Saturday Morning Ride starts at 8 a.m. at the Santa Cruz Harbor by the Crow's Nest. Riders may also pick up the ride along Soquel Ave. in Aptos. Runs year-round. Big pack of approximately 80 riders with about 5-7 friendly helpful women. Leisurely pace from the Harbor to Freedom Blvd., then brisk pace to Watsonville where it slows down on Beach St. Three route options exist from there: (1) short course is about 45 miles in total, flatish, fast; (2) Hazel Dell is just a tad longer with a painful climb, fast; (3) Aromas, 70 miles in total, fast, mostly flat except for a shattering gradual hill into Aromas. Runs year-round.

Saturday Ride From Scotts Valley - Summer start time for this ride is 9am. Head out out for a 40-mile fast paced ride from Scotts Valley Sky Park parking lot. Ride loop changes from week to week. Hills always included in this ride. Contact for more information on this ride, visit or call 800-775-9200.

Tuesday Noon Ride (also called the Giro ride) starts at 11:30 a.m. at the Giro facility in Harvey West Park or at 11:45 a.m. at Bay and King St. Out Highway 1 and back. Small ride of about 15-20 riders (only 1-2 women generally show up, including former HP Women's Stage Race stage winner Katrin Tobin); super fast!! Rotating pace line out, climb up and down Bonny Doon Rd., regrouping on the descent, and faster back. Runs year-round. 20-25 miles approx.

Sunday Morning Ride starts at 9:30 a.m. at the Bay View Hotel (entrace to Nisense Marks State Park off the State Park Highway 1 exit). Fast and flat out to Aromas and back with a rotating paceline once it streamlines out. 3-4 women generally show up and a number of track riders. Sprints for city signs (Aromas, Pajaro, etc) string it out, but the pace slows down occasionally (in Pajaro) allowing for regrouping. Runs year-round. Approx. 40 miles starting from Aptos.

Tuesday Night Ride starts at 6:00 p.m. at Piggy's Market in Aptos by the Surf City Coffee Shop. Fast out San Andreas and back, then up Buena Vista and Larkin Valley back. One-hour super fast ride, mostly men show up. Runs during Daylight Savings Time.

Wednesday training ride starts at 9:00am at Pleasure Point on East Cliff Dr. 3 hour ride, varying speeds and fitness levels, can get fast. Friendly, chatty and good introductory ride. Group splits up on fast climbs into Corralitos, then regroups at the tops. The routes are often up Hazel Dell, up Browns Valley or up Eureka Canyon. A good number of women show up for this ride, sometimes even half the ride is women, who are super friendly and nice.

Santa Cruz County Cycling Club Thursday Night Time Trial Series. First rider off at about 6-6:30pm. Low-key free event. 11.5 mile loop out Swanton Rd and back (off of Highway 1).

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Team Velo BellaLaura - Even Cuter in VBM ClothingLaura - Even Cuter in VBM Clothing











Sue Lovecchio & Linda O'Daly - Saturday Morning RideSue Lovecchio & Linda O'Daly - Saturday Morning Ride











Elizabeth warming up for Sea OtterElizabeth warming up for Sea Otter



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