Don't miss these websites that provide a plethora of helpful information about riding la bicicletta!
Monterey County Bike Map - North County
Map (PDF: 1MB) displaying bike paths, lanes and suggested routes for North Monterey County. Map provided by the Transportation Agency for Monterey County.
Monterey County Bike Map - South County
Map (Adobe PDF: 1.6M) displaying bike paths, lanes and suggested routes for South Monterey County. Map provided by the Transportation Agency for Monterey County.
Monterey Bay Coastal Trail
Information and maps – The coastal bike path is almost continuous from Castroville to Pacific Grove and more links planned in the future.
Monterey Peninsula - Sea Otter Courses
From the Sea Otter guide, view maps of the Monterey Peninsula as well as race courses.
Santa Clara County Bikeways Map
Map of bike paths, routes and lanes in Santa Clara County.
Bay Area Hill Climbs
All kinds of info on the region’s most notorious climbs.
Krebs Maps
These handmade maps are made just for cyclists. Worth every penny and more. A must buy!
Paved Road Climbs in California
Tidbits of info on some of California’s toughest climbs.
Velo Girls Routes
Helpful descriptions, mileage and elevation of popular Velo Girls routes in the Bay Area.
Palo Alto Area Rides Mileage, maps and profiles of rides in the Palo Alto Area brought to you by Palo Alto Bicycles.
Monterey and Santa Cruz County Bike Maps
No online maps at this AMBAG site, but there is an online form to request several area cycling maps.
Monterey County Bicycle Services Request Form
This service request form is available to all cyclists wishing to report a roadway condition affecting cyclists in Monterey County. The Transportation Agency for Monterey County will forward this report to the appropriate public works agency.
San Mateo North-South Commuter Route
The goal of this route is to provide a bicycle commuter route, which is safe, easy to follow and provides good bicycle access to transit, business and residential areas in San Mateo County.
San Mateo County Bikeways Map
Map of bike path, lanes and routes in San Mateo County.
San Francisco Bike Map
This shows existing bike routes, paths, and bike lanes in the city, and indicates the grade of a street so you can avoid the steep hills.
San Francisco Outer Limits
Nearly continuous bike lanes grant 35-40 miles of stunning scenery around the circumference of the city.
Bikes on Bay Area Bridges
List of all the Bay Area's bridges and their bicycle access policies.
Sacramento Area Bikeway Map
Full of helpful info about riding in Sacramento County, including bike trail call boxes, bike lockers and maps. 9 Maps of Bayside trails and bike paths covering 9 Bay Area counties.