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December 2004

12/15/04 - Goodbye, 2004
Ahh, 2004 - soon to be yesteryear. Bring on a new year of crazy pink flamingos, puking-good races, puking-good parties, and life in a big blue foam wig. Long live Velo Bella!

If you have not yet made a New Year's resolution, try this one: "I will buy products from Velo Bella's many fantabulous Sponsors!"

12/13/04 - Nationals, Baby!
What could be more fun than riding a bike through a soggy, leech-infested mud bog in Portland? Why, watching team Velo Bella do it in sleek, sexy style, of course. Congratulations to ALL of our amazing psycho-cross studmuffins, including our two newly crowned NATIONAL CHAMPIONS...

Sarah "Bella Loca" Kerlin - Master Women 30-34
Melodie "Sweet Pea" Metzger - Collegiate Women

Bella Loca's advice on how to attain the coveted stars and stripes jersey? "RIDE CRAZY!"

disclaimer: Team Velo Bella accepts no responsibility for any wild riding tips imparted on the innocent from Kerlin. Use cautiously.

The flamingo flock also descended upon the Elite Race with a pink fury. Sarah led the team with a 5th place podium finish followed by Christine in 6th and Barbarella in 9th. Mel and Erin rounded it out to make 5 Bellas in the top twenty. Tweet tweet!

Read Velo Bella Race Reports for the inside action.

12/12/04 - "Do Your Dirty Work"
Bella Dawn is an angel from trailwork heaven, preaching messages of forest-love to the masses. And with parks in recent danger, how can we deny our responsibility to the nature that we so often caress with the knobbies?

If morality and good-will are too small an incentive for your grinchy heart, perhaps Dawn can motivate you with her words of reason: "The male-to-female ratio makes it all worthwhile". Need we say more?

Stay tuned to the Velo Bella calendar for upcoming trailwork events! And if you just can't wait for our often unfulfilled website promises, well then check out for Santa Cruz/San Jose opportunities.

12/05/04 - The Color of Your Shorts
The women of Velo Bella feel that the male public must be warned: the color of your shorts may have a great deal to do with your success or failure in certain social circles.

What circles are these, you might ask? If your shorts are white, they may very well be the testicular bulges which painfully, inconspicuously show through your chamois and unavoidably into our lines of vision.

Unless your name is Mario, your white shorts are very likely the cause of your pathetic, if existent, sex life. Your ill-advised fashion does, however, give the women of the pelaton a great deal of gossip material, so if you don't mind taking one for the team, keep it up, boys.

*For advice on retrofitting your existing cycling wardrobe, feel free to contact the women of Velo Bella for a counseling session at no charge. Please have pink feather boa and glue gun handy.

12/01/04 - Running A Women's Team Can Be Hazardous For Your Health
Are you wondering why the hell hasn't there been an update to the latest and greatest in a while? Damn lazy Bellas! Well, it's because I got one of these and have had other things on my mind since then. I am lucky in many ways, but I was most fortunate to have so many good friends visit, call, write and send flowers. And while it broke my heart to miss Surf City, the team turned out in full force in my absence and took care of things and then showed up that evening in my room to share the pics and excitement.

Apparently, running a women's team is a risk factor or something, because Velo Girls founder, Lorri Lee Lown, got one of these last year. The nice thing about Lorri getting one before me is that she did all the work in coming up with this nice article about it, and I can just simply link to it.

Big thanks to Tracie Nelson for lending her mightyfine writing skills so that the rest of Latest and Greatest could be updated.

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Team Velo BellaSweet Pea is new Collegiate ChampSweet Pea is new Collegiate Champ










Sarah wins CX NatsSarah wins CX Nats









Bella Dawn is an angel from trailwork heavenBella Dawn is an angel from trailwork heaven

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