Imitation is the Highest Form of Flattery

October 30, 2011



While this may look like one of our tallest, most muscular teammates, this is actually a Fella who is dressed as a Bella as his Halloween costume in a Cyclocross race!

Some people will use any excuse to wear pink!

Kisscross Caledonia (Grand Rapids), MI

October 30, 2011

Kisscross Caledonia (Grand Rapids), MI

3rd, Monica Tory (Mootika), Women B

Bay Area Super Prestige #1, Candlestick Point, CA

October 23, 2011

Bay Area Super Prestige #1, Candlestick Point, CA

10th, Linda Locke, Women C

Kisscross Manhattan Park (Grand Rapids), MI

October 23, 2011

Kisscross Manhattan Park (Grand Rapids), MI

1st, Monica Tory (Mootika), Women A

5th, Monica Tory (Mootika), Women B

6th, Erin Lumbard, Women B

Kisscross Richmond Park (Grand Rapids), MI

October 16, 2011

Kisscross Richmond Park (Grand Rapids), MI

1st, Monica Tory (Mootika), Women A

1st, Monica Tory (Mootika), Women B

RunUp CX, TKLawless Park, MI

October 9, 2011

RunUp CX, TKLawless Park, MI

1st, Monica Tory, Women A

1st, Monica Tory, Women B

Photo credit: Terry Hutchins, Kalamazoo (with permission)


Sacramento Cyclocross Series #2–Del Paso Park, CA

October 8, 2011

Sacramento Cyclocross Series #2–Del Paso Park, CA


8th, Julie Porter, Women A
10th, Shaney Emerson, Women B

Northern California/Nevada Cycling Association Premier Series, CA

October 6, 2011

Northern California/Nevada Cycling Association Premier Series, CA

1st, Velo Bella, Women’s 35+ 1/2/3 Team

Kisscross Markin Glen (Kalamazoo), MI

October 2, 2011

Kisscross Markin Glen (Kalamazoo), MI

2nd, Monica Tory (Mootika), Women B

3rd, Erin Lumbard, Women B

2nd, Sherry King-Caise, Women C Masters