Velo Bella Sponsors Friday Night Track Race

July 9, 2008 · Print This Article


Friday Night Races and Biergarten!

Hellyer Velodrome, San Jose, CA
Friday July 11th, 2008

Beer, pretzels, sausages, potato salad, chicken dancin, and some good ol fashioned racing action!

More info available here

This fabulous post was written by one of our awesome bella volunteers ~ Sabine is the cofounder of Velo Bella and if you like this report, you can thank her with brownies and beer.


2 Responses to “Velo Bella Sponsors Friday Night Track Race”

  1. sabine on July 9th, 2008 2:51 pm

    Vanderkitten will also be on hand with some of their old and new line up!

  2. sabine on July 9th, 2008 5:37 pm

    And, this just in…some fabulous Ipsum wine provided by Michael Hutchinson

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