Chickasaw Bassackwards TT and XC Report
June 23, 2007 · Print This Article
On a couple of hot and dusty days in this dry Southern summer, the Tennessee Velo Bellas kicked bootay and took names at the Chickasaw Bassackwards time trial and cross country mountain bike race in Columbia, Tennessee on June 9 and 10, taking several podium spots.
June 9 • Time Trial
The course was 3.7 miles of some of the fastest singletrack at Chickasaw, with a challenging uphill finish. Results and times are below.
Jennifer Moorehead, 1st place Sport 19-29, with a time of 0:16:27
Angela Brown, 1st place Beginner 19+, with a time of 0:16:46
June 10 • XC
The course is laid in the opposite direction of the Classic course from the March race, with a few variations.
Jennifer Moorehead, 1st place Sport 19-29, with a time of 1:41:27 on the two-lap race
Maria Pino, 1st place Beginner 19+, with a time of 0:53:02 on the one-lap race
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