A good weekend for our Natashas!!

June 1, 2007 · Print This Article

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Natasha Cowie sprays onlookers with champagne after her win on the Dausett Trails in Jackson, GA. The race was the sixth in the SERC series and the latest in a series of successes for Natasha Cowie, Southeastern Pro Bella. For full results, visit goneriding.com.


New NorCal Bella, Natasha Perry, landed on the podium at Memorial Day Criterium in Morgan Hill. It was a hard fought sprint against powerhouse teams like Tibco and Proman. A great showing for Natasha and the entire Velo Bella-Kona road team.

This fabulous post was written by one of our awesome bella volunteers ~ Sabine is the cofounder of Velo Bella and if you like this report, you can thank her with brownies and beer.


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