Wente Crit not a race report

April 24, 2006 · Print This Article

by Soni

I am not writing a race report because that honor goes to Heidi, who won the 4s race at the Wente Crit, but I had to say a few words about it.

This is an awesome team! The women’s 45+ raced with the women’s 4s which isn’t what I would normally consider a good situation for either group. But Liz & Monica, who raced earlier with the 1/2/Pro field, decided to help me and Heidi in our 4s race. They kept their eyes on where we were, told us when we should make moves and such, and helped move us around.

Monica took a huge pull, maybe 3 laps at the end with Heidi and I on her wheel that kept the race safe, kept us in good position, made the team look totally studly for the spectators, and helped Heidi get into position for a superduper sprint to win!

I really valued racing with them–usually when I race with the 2s, we aren’treally racing ‘together’ so this was a pretty special opportunity.
Thanks gals!!!

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